Danny Graham was born and raised in New Westminster. His father is a longshoreman as was his grandfather and it was taken for granted that Danny would just follow his heritage. In school he was the one everybody looked up to ... and out for. Danny was a tough guy that didn't want to be; subsequently he suppressed his natural compassion and understanding ... to be the person everyone expected him to be.
Danny's girlfriend Darlene was also born in New West and has loved him since grade one. In grade eight he finally caught on and they became a couple. Darlene's mother, Vicki, loves her daughter very much and likes Danny. She sees through his tough façade and knows that he will make a good adult once he grows up and gets out from under his father's thumb.
Keywords: Family, drama, pregnant, single mother
Year Printed: 2012
Running TIme: 75 minutes
Acts: 2
Male Cast: 3
Female Cast: 2