The Sister Op begins in France and ends in Halifax in 1938. It follows the efforts of Beatrice, a private detective known as a ‘sister op’, to smuggle Miri, a thirteen year old German Jewish refugee, out of France into Canada to her waiting Uncle Max. Keywords: refugee; LGBTQ; detective; world war 2
The Sister Op was developed under the guidance of Dora award winning playwright Donna-Michelle St. Bernard during the Theatre Ontario Playwrights Course, Stratford 2017. It was then submitted to Ergo Arts Pink Fest where it was selected for further work and a staged reading. March 2018. It was also selected for dramaturgy by Brenley Charkow via the So Nu? Festival of the Winnipeg Jewish Theatre in 2020.
Genre: Drama
Acts: 1
Run time: 90 minutes
Suitable for students 16+
Cast size: 10 actors
Male roles: 3
Female roles: 7
Trans/non-binary/gender non-conforming roles: 1
Casting note: There are two major characters, Miri, a teenage girl and Beatrice, a middle-aged woman. There are eight supporting characters who can be played by one female and one male actor. The play could be performed with a cast of 4 - 5.