The Book of Esther by Leanna Brodie


Regular price $16.95
Image Book of Esther

Summer 1981. Pride Day. The farm crisis. Charles and Di. Everything is changing, including 15-year-old Esther, who has just run away from home. In this passionate, funny, extraordinarily nuanced exploration of the urban/rural divide, conservative Christian farmers are thrown together with loud & proud urban queers... naturally, it's a love story.

Keywords: Queer history, Pride, gay, Christianity, evangelical, fundamentalism, rural, farm, coming-of-age, teen, urban-rural divide, culture wars, faith, religion, Toronto, urban, drama, audition monologue, Bechdel test, eighties, 1980s, farm crisis, rural plays, Christian-themes, queer-themed plays, culture wars, Christian fundamentalism, GLBT, plays by women, intergenerational, Generation X, queer history

Year Printed: 2012

Running TIme: 110 minutes
Acts: 2

Male Cast: 3
Female Cast: 2