Early 20th century London. A poor cotton mill worker is best friends with the daughter of a Viceroy of India. An illiterate cockney housewife is teaching a Canadian university graduate, a young girl is being coached to convert British Columbia to the cause. Women carry hammers in their muffs. What is going on? War! But war waged as women want it waged.
Called to battle by a diminutive, delicate lady, as battle scarred and hardened as any grunt, the front line of the militant suffragettes contained a motley bunch of women. Join these and their fellow rebels as they are swept up in the maelstrom that will alter their lives forever, cause governments to fall, and shape democracy for us all.
Rebel Women is a theatre verbatim play: the women’s actual words and songs, insightful, sometimes hilarious and always searingly truthful, are used to create the play.
Keywords: Suffragette, England, rebel
Running Time: 120
Male Cast: 4
Female Cast: 11
Double Roles: 14