This anthology contains the following short plays:
A man and a woman meet by chance in a depar_tment store, and the audience gets to watch both their inner and outer behaviour. First produced in 1978 by Tamahnous Theatre, Vancouver.
Comedy, 1 act, 2m/2fÂ
Also available as a standalone play here.
Fighting Fear at the Bus Stop
A street scene about sexual misunderstanding between strangers.
First produced in 1989 by Alberta Theatre Projects, Calgary.
Comedy, 1 act, 2m/1f/voice
Also available as a standalone play here.
The Illegal Playwriting Class
The fiendish plot strangely echoes the princiÂples being taught in the playwriting class within the play ...
First produced in 1987 as So You Want to Write A Play by Alberta Theatre Projects, Calgary. Comedy, 1 act, 2m/1f/voice
Alien Mice
A deranged lecturer, armed with a bomb, holds the audience hostage while explaining his UFO conspiracy theory connecting the fountains at Versailles with Mickey Mouse.
First produced in 1988 at Alberta Theatre Projects, Calgary, Alberta.
Comedy, 1 act, 2 actors
You're Him
Also a street scene about the sexual misunderÂstandings between strangers.
First produced in 1991 by Alberta Theatre Projects, Calgary.
Comedy, 1 act, 2m/1fÂ
Yuppie Ciao
A prequel to Puppets, a take-out dinner leads to a breakdown in the young couple's romance. As with Puppets, the audience gets to watch both their inner and outer behaviour.
First produced in 1986 by the New Play Centre, Vancouver.
Comedy, 1 act, 2m/2f
Also available as a standalone play here.