This play is a translation of Quebecois playwright Stephane Brulotte's DANS L'OMBRE D'HEMINGWAY. In 1950, Ernest Hemingway and his fourth wife, Mary Welsh, are living in Cuba, where he is trying to write THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. His previous novel, ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES, has received devastating reviews. He has a bad case of writer's block and is full of both bluster and self-pity. Some time earlier he had charmed a young Italian countess, Adriana Ivancich, in Venice; his veiled references to her in ACROSS THE RIVER were somewhat scandalous. Now Adriana and her mother Dora arrive to visit the Hemingways. Hoping that Adriana will revive both his writing and his libido, Ernest flaunts his attraction to her; but despite her hero-worship of him, they both come to realize that the gulf between them is too great.
Year Printed: 2013
First produced in 2011 by La Compagnie Jean Duceppe in Montreal, QC.
Translation of the play by Stephane Brulotte
Acts: 2
Male Cast: 2
Female Cast: 3