Michael’s world collapsed seven years ago with his daughter’s sudden disappearance on her tenth birthday. His renewed efforts to find her using age progression software are strangely fruitful resulting in not only the discovery of a homeless teenager but perhaps an entire new world where different versions of events are possible. Flesh & Ghost is inspired by the nonlinear pathways and strange sculptures found in quantum mechanics where particles appear out of nowhere and alternative universes are surprisingly real.
Work began on Flesh & Ghost as part of Theatre Calgary’s new play development program called FUSE TC (www.theatrecalgary.com) where the first draft was given a two-day workshop and public reading. The play was then accepted into Vancouver’s PTC Playwrights Colony (www.playwrightstheatre.com) where a second draft was written over a three-day period with dramaturg and actors. By this time the play had drawn the attention of Broad Horizons Theatre (www.bhorizons.org) in New York City and given a showcase reading at the Manhattan Theatre Club. Most recently, Flesh & Ghost was given a public reading at Gateway Theatre (www.gatewaytheatre.com) in Richmond, B.C..
Keywords: missing child, theoretical physics, spacetime, clocks