It's 1985 in rural Saskatchewan. Ben Millar went straight to the oil rigs in Alberta from high school and worked hard to save up enough money to buy a farm. At twenty-six, he married his high school sweetheart and bought his farm. The dream was to have two boys and a girl to help run the farm. They had the children, but as personalities go, the oldest boy, Kevin had no interest in farming. Ben took this very hard and, during a particularly ugly argument, Ben told Kevin to leave and never come back. Vanessa was very academic and it was decided that her having a business degree would be an asset to running the farm. During her second year at university, however, the plan was changed. The combination of a couple of bad years weather-wise and an unforgiving debt load made life on the farm testy, to say the least. The youngest son was being worked to the point of exhaustion and questioned the lifestyle his Father lived for.
Keywords: Rural life, Saskatchewan, 1985, Family, Farming, Life changing decisions.
Content note:Â Â Contains mild swearing and covert references to intimacy.