Cake by Donna-Michelle St. Bernard

Playwrights Canada Press

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Cake by Donna-Michelle St. Bernard

Available in both digital and paperback versions - please select format above before adding to cart.

A man earns. However little, however nefariously, he earns.

Oba, a middle-aged businessman, is torn between his pride and dignity. He’s obsessed with making deals in unidentified substances to stay afloat. A powerful client named Araf arrives, interested in Oba’s business, but also his fierce, inherited servant Femi. Oba’s young progeny Mabo is hungry and desperate, but still driven by his skills and sympathetic to the needs of others.

In this stark and poetic musing on the nature and poisons of survival,Β CakeΒ humanizes the dynamic between Niger and Iran and their clandestine trade in uranium, presenting a dark and critical look at oppression, consumerism, and what happens when all of our resources are dried up.

"It will be exciting to see where she heads next. " β€”Karen Fricker,Β Toronto Star

"Donna-Michelle St. Bernard is one fearless playwright. " β€”Lynn Slotkin,Β Intermission


Genre: Drama

Run time: 60 minutes
Male roles: 3
Female roles: 1