A woodcutter comes across a nest of freezing baby birds crying out for help. Though he resists at first, their beautiful singing enchants him and he gives them a warm home under his hat. He then heads to Hat Street, where tipping your hat is not only a courtesy, it’s the law. Unable to doff his hat to the Queen’s Under Secretary, he finds himself in trouble. The Under Secretary refuses to pay him for wood and so the man (Bird Brain) returns home with no money. This greatly displeases his wife and she becomes even more enraged when he does not take off his hat at the dinner table. She banishes Bird Brain to the woods where he has only his birds to keep him company.
First produced by Citadel Theatre, Edmonton AB, 2007.
This play has also received over 20 productions world-wide in English and German.
Genre: TYA, Theatre for Young Audiences
Acts: 1
Run time: 45 minutes
Cast size: 3 actors