Two people. Trapped in an abyss. Refusing to get along.
In this absurdist/existentialist play two people struggle with feelings of fear, disconnection, and anger at each other, the space, and themselves. With no memory of who they are or who they are to each other, they have to confront how and why people come to hate each other, as well as how to move forward.
This is a companion piece to Anomie (winner of the Harry S. Rintoul Award for Best New Manitoba Play at the 2017 Winnipeg Fringe).
Produced by Downside Up Productions, Winnipeg, 2018
Keywords:Â Fringe, absurdism, existential, meaning, meaningless, no set, festival
Genre: Drama
Run time: 45 minutes
Acts: 1
Cast size: 2
"A love story in the abyss, Animosity is a perfect piece of absurdist theatre."
 - Michelle Palansky, CBC Manitoba