"A Singular Man" is a modern adaptation of Moliere's classic French comedy "The Misanthrope", set in the corporate world of schmoozing, job promotions and office romance.
The play centres on Alistair, whose complete rejection of his culture's phony conventions makes him very unpopular. He has pledged to speak the truth at all times, even when a little lie would serve him much better. His inevitable failure to get ahead is caused by his refusing to compromise his principles by playing the game.
The characters in this play are young professionals in a cut-throat world, where people are striving to get ahead and everyone is everyone else's best friend until their back is turned.
Year Printed: 2012
First Produced: Professional Public Reading in 2009 by FUSE Program at Theatre Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Running TIme: 70 minutes
Acts: 2
Male Cast: 6
Female Cast: 3